Cattle Dog Digital

The Nature of Success with Matt Griggs & Cattle Dog Digital

by Alice Buckley

November 24, 2021

In a recent beach-side chat, Matt Griggs, holistic high performance coach and founder of The Nature of Success, shared his philosophy on achieving success and living a full life. Matt was joined by Luke Orell, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Cattle Dog Digital, who has implemented some of Matt’s high-performance success strategies into the business values at Cattle Dog Digital


About Matt Griggs

A former professional surfer himself, Matt Griggs, has coached World champions, Australasian champions, published 2 best-sellers, coached and lectured on performance to many leading executives and professional sporting groups world-wide. Matt has a 360-degree view of performance, programs and methodologies that begin with self-awareness and enable his clients to go after what it is they feel most drawn to in life, with more awareness and less fear. Matt works with everyone from professional athletes to businessmen.


Luke Orell’s Journey with The Nature of Success

Luke Orell, is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Cattle Dog Digital. Luke learnt about Matt Griggs’ Nature of Success coaching program 3 years ago, where he attended a high performance surf retreat in the Maldives. At that time, Cattle Dog Digital was getting its paws off the ground. Luke realised that it was the perfect time for himself and the Cattle Dog team to establish a core framework to underpin the Cattle Dog strategy and culture. Luke was attracted to the Nature of Success as it seemed like a great holistic approach to high performance coaching which focused on being a leader and discovering inner value to ultimately perform at a high level. The Nature of Success program focuses on change and  transformation. Cattle Dog Digital’s services rally around digital transformation, so The Nature of Success was a natural fit for evolving Cattle Dog Digital’s values. 


About The Nature of Success Framework

In his coaching, Matt Griggs aspires to enlighten self-awareness and empower individual self-expression towards an evolved and more harmonious performance, detached from stress and fear. Matt explains, there is no collective or formula, the framework can be applied to anyone in any setting. As an athlete or a business professional, we are all living in a paradigm of the ‘survival of the fittest’. All success starts with an idea, however sometimes it is driven by a ‘dog eat dog’ mindset. So, we are susceptible to dysfunctional performance, which is why the The Nature of Success framework is applicable to all.

Matt shares the core components which shift the nature of one’s performance:

  1. Understand your values
  2. Perform with your values at the forefront of your mind 
  3. Detach from fear and negative thoughts 
  4. Constant conscious reflection 

Matt explains that the first step is to understand your core values is a healthy mental space. Individuals must study themselves to create a unique foundation of purpose and meaning in life. Matt says, “to know yourself is to know what you want to go after”. Performance comes next. It is so important to align your values throughout every stage of performance, and to detach from negative thoughts which may cause you to lose focus and crumble. For example, fear of judgment or moving out of your comfort zone can be avoided through constant observation, adaptation and refinement to reach a great level of excellence. You must detach from the physical and mental blocks, to fully grow and endeavour on a valuable journey to success. So, be open to feedback and feedback from yourself. 

“It is one thing to have a trophy… it is another thing to acknowledge how you got there.”


Considerations for a High-Performance Mindset:

  • Change is healthy and valuable 
  • Goal setting is important 
  • Move from an egotistical culture 
  • Physical health goes hand in hand with your state of mind 
  • Happiness is everyone’s ultimate goal 

Achieving Success, According to Matt Griggs 

Change is healthy! Matt says that we adapt from experiences and learning, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Adaptation is natural and is fundamental to success. We experience change so often, as Matt says, “the only constant is constant change”. So, how do we manage this change? It is the realisation that adaptation is important, and allowing for, “harmonious change not radical growth”. Nature’s pathway is, “evolution not revolution and progress not perfection”. 

Goal setting is a major aspect of The Nature of Success framework. Matt, helps people get from A to B. Being a coach is a transformational role. Matt aims to build peoples self understanding to optimise the transformation to allow people to achieve goals through self direction. It is important to have self-awareness softly present in your mind and to be able to check that the motion you are in aligns with who you are as a person.

High-performance cultures can often be egotistical which is not healthy or harmonious. It is important to move towards a culture of collaboration and care, rather than being fixated on results. One shouldn’t make enemies along the way, cause unnecessary suffering or compromise ourselves. 

Your physical state is just one of your pillars. Although your mental state influences most of of your wellbeing, the rest has significant influence too. Sunlight, breathing, hydration and movement all come into account when aiming to maximise your energy and performance. Working on your physical state is extremely important in finding a harmonious journey to success. 

Happiness is the ultimate goal of every individual, or at least it should be. Happiness and satisfaction should be prioritised at every stage of the journey to success. Matt defines happiness as, “the appreciation to be alive”


How Luke Implemented The Nature of Success Framework

Luke experienced work predominantly from the brain, which although developed great skill sets, a lot of looping occurred with little meaning and drive behind this function. Luke realised that this application of his skills was resultantly hindering his ability to leverage the best individual, team, and business outcomes. 

The first step which Luke took was really understanding his values. Luke values family, prioritising the health and happiness of his wife and children, and also the Cattle Dog Digital family. Luke also has a great passion for surfing and wellness. 

The acknowledgment of Luke’s core values had a positive knock on effect at times of high pressure, where the workload is overwhelming and burnouts are on the horizon. Luke is now able to take a step back and reflect on what his values are to minimise the level of stress he encounters. Being able to live to these values is a really important aspect to mitigate, so that Luke can prevent any triggers of negativity which may in turn prevent growth and performance. Luke has taken advice from Matt to, “be fearless, be wise and be inspirational”, which is what being a leader is all about.

“You inspire from who you are, not what you know.”


The Nature of Success at Work at Cattle Dog Digital

The importance of establishing values prior to performing and executing goals, is a mindset that Cattle Dog Digital has carried forward through the Nature of Success program. At Cattle Dog Digital, the V3MoM framework was in the early days of the business startup to set goals and create a great corporate culture. Vision, values and vibe are the components of Cattle Dog Digital’s business strategy framework. 

Luke and the Cattle Dog Digital team constantly reflect on their performance to review whether their core values are being honored. If not, the team adapts to continuously improve their functioning, to optimise the business operations and the relationships with all stakeholders. For example, as the business operates digitally, communicating can be very challenging on zoom. So, with the grounding of such values, it allows for focus and successful execution in a harmonious nature. 


 A Note from Alice

Although this blog seemed deep and rich in information, trust me it is just the beginning! If this journey and program feels right for you, the online Nature of Success program is at your fingertips. More insights and guidance in driving high performance awaits!

After all, individuals, and the world of high performance could do with a little more health and harmony. 

Visit their website at 

The Nature of Success X Cattle Dog Digital Webinar is available on demand! Discover more insights towards the journey to a successful life, as Matt Griggs and Luke Orell share valuable thoughts in conversation. Watch now!

